Give Thanks By Helping KidsKids run into all sorts of roadblocks and detours that cause them to fall behind in school. 100+ kids still need your help to get back on track in school and in life. Please click below to donate $65 to provide one month of tutoring, support and mentoring. It's a wonderful way to express gratitude for our own success during this week of Thanksgiving.
Since 1993, Communities In Schools Nassau has remained focused on helping kids stay in school, graduate and prepare for a productive life! CIS surrounds students with a community of support by utilizing the power of partnerships and embedding resources in the place where children already spend their days– public schools. Our whole-school services reach over 3,000 students a year, and last year alone over 600 students received prescriptive case management services based on their individual and family needs. |
Our Mission
The mission of Communities In Schools is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.
At CIS we believe that every child needs and deserves:
- A one-on-one relationship with a caring adult
- A safe place to learn and grow
- A healthy start and a healthy future
- A marketable skill to use upon graduation
- A chance to give back to peers and community
Thank You
Thank you to our partner Florida Public Utilities for providing communications for our organization.
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Employees of Tomorrow
The cafeteria at Hilliard Middle-Senior High School looked more like a corporate job fair than a lunch room recently. Dressed in what they hoped would impress, 122 students with resumes in hand interviewed with local employers.
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2015 Nonprofit AwardThanks to our fans, we are one of the first winners of a 2015 Top-Rated Award from GreatNonprofits! Read our great reviews and add your story!
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Communities In Schools of Nassau County, Inc.
516 South 10th Street, Suite 205 :: Fernandina Beach, FL 32034
Phone (904) 321-2000 :: Fax (904) 321-2531