Research & Reports
There has been much research done on the state of education and the dropout crisis in our state and around the country. The following are a sample of that research.
Communities In Schools and the Model of Integrated Student Services Program EvaluationThe cornerstone of the CIS Model is the provision of widely accessible prevention services and resources that are available to entire school populations, which are paired with the coordinated, targeted and sustained intervention services and resources for that subset of students who are most at risk of dropping out of school.
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Left Behind In America: The Nation's Dropout CrisisAmerica is currently in the throes of a persistent high school dropout crisis that has been a long time in the making, with substantial disparities in dropout rates across race, ethnic, and income groups and geographic areas. A report by the center for labor market studies at Northeastern University in Boston and the Alternative Schools Network in Chicago. View Report (PDF File, 512 KB)
The Sobering Truth About High School Dropouts In FloridaFlorida ranks second in the nation in the prevalence of "dropout factories" - with 49% of our high schools promoting fewer than 60% of their students. Learn the Sobering Truth (Balfanz & Legters, 2008)
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Setting the Stage for New High Schools
Muncipal Leadership in Supporting High School AlternativesLearn how mayors and other municipal leaders in cities across the nation are helping expand alternatives for students who struggle in traditional high school settings.
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National Office Profile Showcases Four Local Affiliates, 2008A Profile of Local Affiliates in the Communities In Schools Network | 2008, developed by the national office, showcases the work of four local affiliates: two in urban centers, Charlotte, N.C., and Philadelphia, Pa.; and two in nonurban areas, Bell and Coryell Counties, Tex., and Wayne County, Ind. While these affiliates serve students with a range of needs in their respective communities, what unifies their work is a faithful commitment to carrying out the CIS Model with prevention and intervention services driven by site coordinators. They have created strong partnerships with their local school districts and built a powerful presence in the schools they work in.
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Dropout Risk Factors & Exemplary ProgramsThis study, conducted by the National Dropout Prevention Center/Network, and sponsored by Communities In Schools Inc., finds that there are multiple risk factors which increase the likelihood that students will drop out and provides information on 50 programs that were found to be effective in addressing these risk factors.
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The Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationThe central message of this report is that while some students drop out because of significant academic challenges, most dropouts are students who could have, and believe they could have, succeeded in school.
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Spotlight on Florida's Youth At Risk by the Eckerd Family FoundationIn this report, CHILD TRENDS AND THE FOUNDATION have jointly identified five groups of vulnerable youth ages 16-24 for which Florida data are readily available.
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Time MagazineThe number of high school students who leave before graduating is higher--much higher--than you think. Inside one town's struggle to reverse the tide.
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Annie E. Casey Foundation: KIDS COUNT Data BookA national and state-by-state effort to track the status of children in the United States. Information is also available in an online database that enables users to generate custom graphs, maps, ranked lists, and state-by-state profiles. Both the book and the online database can be accessed at: Annie E. Casey Foundation: KIDS COUNT Data Book.
Child Trends DatabankAmong youth ages 16 to 24, Hispanics accounted for 40 percent of all high school dropouts in 2004. However, they only made up 17 percent of the total youth population.
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Communities In Schools of Nassau County, Inc.
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